Call for applications to join the HRLA’s 2025/2026 Executive Committee and Junior Lawyers Committee

The HRLA is calling for members to apply to join its 2025/2026 Executive Committee and Junior Lawyers Committee. Interested members are warmly invited to read the information below and follow the relevant application process for the Committee you wish to join. Please note that the deadline to apply is 23:59 on Sunday 2 February 2025.

Join the HRLA Executive Committee

Are you a legal professional who has a passion for protecting and promoting human rights and the rule of law? If this is you, then we invite you to apply to be a member of the HRLA Executive Committee (EC), which is now recruiting for its 2025/2026 term. Whatever your specialism, you can get involved. We welcome applications from legal professionals at all levels of professional development and locations, provided you are a member of the HRLA (which one can easily become).

You may apply to become an elected member of the Executive Committee or for a specific “Officer” role (as set out in paragraphs 7 and 8 of the HRLA’s Constitution):  

  • Chair
  • 2 x Vice Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Bursary Officer.

We are particularly interested in hearing from those with experience in events planning, fundraising, membership development, and external communications, but above all we are seeking enthusiasm for actively contributing to the work of the HRLA and a commitment to furthering its development.

Expected commitment

The role will involve one monthly one hour meeting, which is likely to take place in the early evening, and attendance may be via audio and/or video link and/or in person. Committee members are expected to attend at least 75% of Committee meetings. If a Committee member misses three consecutive meetings without reasonable excuse, they will be deemed to have resigned.

In addition, Committee membership requires a commitment to the HRLA to help plan and arrange events, and to take an active role in co-ordinating and implementing the HRLA’s work. Your role will involve practically supporting the delivery of agreed activities of the EC, contributing to content and communications, and attending events (typically there are around six in one year). Elected members of the Committee should also expect to be allocated a specific role in the administration of the HRLA, such as communications, website, individual membership or corporate membership.

We estimate the average time commitment, spread across the term, to be up to one hour a week for Executive Committee members, with some weeks being significantly busier than others depending on what events or activities are taking place, and Officer positions requiring a greater time commitment.

When would your role start?

Appointments would begin at our AGM, which will take place on Tuesday 18 February 2025 from 18:15 at Hogan Lovells International LLP, Atlantic House, Holborn Viaduct, London, EC1A 2FG, UK and online on Zoom. 

Election process

The HRLA Constitution currently provides that the Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers (listed above) and up to 12 elected members (as well as up to three additional co-opted members, the Chair and Vice Chair of the Young Lawyers Committee (YLC), and two other members of the YLC nominated by the YLC). A Constitutional amendment at the forthcoming AGM is expected to rename the Young Lawyers Committee (YLC) to Junior Lawyers Committee (JLC). Should there be more applications for Officer / EC elected member than vacancies, the decision as to who is elected will go to a vote at the AGM. If this occurs, we will ask individuals to make a short statement to the present membership and a ballot vote will thereafter take place.

To apply to join the Executive Committee

Please read the application form which can be downloaded here carefully and send your completed form to [email protected] by 23:59 on Sunday 2 February 2025. Please note that information provided in your application form will be shared with members of the current Executive Committee as necessary to carry out the recruitment process and your name and (if relevant) organisation will be shared with members of the HRLA. In the event of a contested election for the position for which you have applied, your name, current role and (if relevant) job title and organisation, the position you have applied for, and the information you have provided in the ‘KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE’ and ‘YOUR INTERESTS’ sections of the application form will be circulated to members of the HRLA in advance of the AGM to inform the election.

If you would like to talk to someone about the application, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]. We recommend adding [email protected] as a safe sender to ensure you do not miss any email correspondence regarding your application. 

Join the HRLA Junior Lawyers Committee

The Junior Lawyers Committee (JLC) is the junior lawyers division of the HRLA. We are law students, graduates and junior lawyers committed to promoting human rights and social justice. Through our core projects, we provide opportunities for all early career professionals and students who are interested in pursuing a career in human rights law or in promoting human rights protection and awareness.

The JLC’s core projects are:

  • Careers Day is our annual flagship event aimed at supporting aspiring human rights lawyers and practitioners. Previous speakers have included Amanda Weston KC, Leslie Thomas KC and Jason Pobjoy.
  • The Judicial Review Competition is our mooting competition, where competitors seek permission for judicial review on a human rights law topic. The final typically takes place in the Royal Courts of Justice.
  • The Lord Kerr Competition is our essay competition established in memory of the late Supreme Court Justice Lord Kerr, on a human rights law topic.

Expected commitment

JLC members are expected to:

  • Contribute to all of our core projects, taking on a key role in at least one;
  • Attend at least 80% of our committee meetings, which take place every 1-2 months;
  • Be organised and work collaboratively with the rest of the JLC; and
  • Show an active interest in and passion for human rights.

By joining the JLC, you will:

  • Have the opportunity to network and build relationships with senior human rights practitioners, including judges, solicitors, barristers, activists and academics;
  • Collaborate with other JLC members and the Executive Committee on exciting human rights events, publications and projects;
  • Gain skills and professional experiences to support you in developing your human rights career;
  • Learn more about human rights issues and consolidate your knowledge of human rights law;
  • Join a friendly and committed group of like-minded junior human rights lawyers!

To apply to join the Junior Lawyers Committee

Applications should be submitted by 2 February 2025 via Google Form. Please note that you must be a member of the HRLA (which one can easily become) in order to become a member of the Junior Lawyers Committee. Appointments for the 2025/2026 term of the Junior Lawyers Committee would begin at our AGM, which will take place on Tuesday 18 February 2025 from 18:15 at Hogan Lovells International LLP, Atlantic House, Holborn Viaduct, London, EC1A 2FG, UK and online on Zoom. Please note that membership of the Junior Lawyers Committee is a voluntary position. 

If you experience any browser difficulties opening the Google Form through the hyperlink above, please copy and paste the below link into your browser:

We look forward to receiving your application.

Best wishes,


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  • Call for applications to join the HRLA’s 2025/2026 Executive Committee and Junior Lawyers Committee

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